

Heart Rate Training

Have a heart-smart workout! Read on to decode terms such as \"target heart rate,\" \"the zone,\" and \"recovery heart rate.\"“Get your heart rate up to ‘X’ beats per minute to really burn fat/calories/carbs

Defying Gravity

Aerial yoga offers a fun and challenging twist on the ancient practice of yoga. Why not try it out?Traditional yoga may strengthen the core and clear the head, but a plain downward facing dog may not

Sturdy Planks

Learn how to perform planks properly, safely, and effectively for a stronger, leaner core.We all want a strong core that enhances performance and prevents injury. One of the simplest and most effectiv

Take Your Workout Outside!

Sure, you’re an avid spinner, and it works for you—but why not try something new? Pop outdoors to reap some serious benefits. You’ll thank us later.Outdoor exercise naturally experiences something of

Easy Office Exercises

We know that being sedentary is harmful to our health—but working in an office may not give us a chance to move around as much as we would like. Along with several tips for workplace ergonomics, we of

Get Your Mojo Back

Good news! You may be able to raise your testosterone level naturally. Here are a few ways to minimize the decline.“I’m starting to have a hard time keeping up with my 18-year-old son.” This concern w

Strengthen Your Back

With commitment, education, and targeted exercises such as these, you\'ll be able to strengthen your back in no time.If you’ve never had a neck, spine, or hip injury, but suffer from back pain or frequ

Hiking Guide

As Canadians, our mountainous backyard spoils us—and where there are mountains, there is hiking! Getting outside can do wonders for our mental and physical health, so take to the trails this summer fo

Maintenance Moves

No time for a marathon gym sesh? No excuses. These short, simple exercises can be done on the daily to improve strength and muscle tone. Full-body super intense sweat sessions are not always an option

Fall In Love With Fitness

When it comes to staying in shape, it\'s easy to talk the talk. Having the motivation to get up and walk is a different story—and sticking with a new exercise routine can be more challenging that you m