With the whole world clamouring for information during the rapid spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, the global public health community has been echoing a message familiar to all propone
What’s the buzz?
Honey is one of nature’s most amazing gifts. This sweet, syrupy nectar made by hundreds of busy little bees has a wide variety of different uses, from creating beeswax and helping sta
When I assembled my girlfriends, all over 40, to discuss aging and beauty over a glass (or two) of wine, they had plenty to say. While some welcomed the changes—“I don’t care what anyone thinks of me
Women around the world are struggling with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, one of the most common autoimmune diseases, a group of nearly 100 diseases first recognized only 50 years ago. Left feeling exhauste
Here’s a list of facts from Dr. Cassie Irwin on men’s health:72 percent of men would rather clean the toilet than go to the doctor, according to a 2019 men’s health survey.
Two-thirds of men avoid goi
We’re learning that the foods we eat have a profound impact on how we feel, think, and behave. In fact, our diet is increasingly being recognized for its role in brain and mental health. Nutrition and
Guys, listen up! Just like certain nutrients are extra important for women, some are key for men. Even if you eat a perfect diet, chances are you’re missing out on one or more of these essential nutri
Most men would rather clean the toilet than go to the doctor, according to 72 percent of respondents in a 2019 men’s health survey. Regardless of whether that toilet actually gets cleaned, men still d
“We are,” says registered psychotherapist Robert Malowany, “in a time and place where it’s much more ‘acceptable’ to engage in discussions around stress, burnout, and mental health. Use this as an opp
With the whole world clamouring for information during the rapid spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, the global public health community has been echoing a message familiar to all propone