

Is your sunscreen doing the trick?

We’ve all heard it—as pleas from caring parents, product taglines, or public service announcements: “Wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer!” During summer months we comply—rubbing, spritzing, and slat

Taking a Stand for GMO Labelling, Regenerative Agriculture, and Nature

At 19 years old, Rachel Parent is already a luminary leader who encourages everyone—no matter their age—to join her in the fight for GMO labelling and protecting the planet. Find out how this activist

Embracing failure to find success

Is a fear or failing getting you down? Is the pursuit of “perfect” punishing? To understand the pitfalls of perfectionism, the impacts of fearing failure, and the gifts of focusing on the journey rath

Blazing an organic trail

Travis Heide isn’t afraid to take risks. In the early 2000s, Heide took his newly minted business degree from the University of Saskatchewan to Calgary to work in commodity trading before starting his

Elevated eats for felix and fido

Canadians love their animal companions: more than half of us are proud pet owners. And our interest in natural nutrition for our best friends is on the rise. Read on for options to help your pet live

10 kids’ remedies on the run

To make organizing a cinch, purchase a first aid kit with supplies like bandages and gauze. Then, consider adding some of the following suggestions to round out your stock. 1. Herbal teas Stash indivi

Going for gold, one ring at a time

When 12-year old Joseph Brown looks you in the eye with an intensity beyond his years and says he’s going to represent Canada in the Olympics and become a professional boxer, you believe him. You some

Give your child the gift of focus

Every parent has at some point wondered whether their child lacks focus, perhaps overlooking the fact that today’s children are growing up in a busy world, full of stimuli that their developing brains

Scribble Anxiety Away

Whether you’re actively experiencing anxiety or would simply like to invest in regular self-care and proactive stress management, art therapist Shauna Kaendo recommends the following directive.Grab a

The Power of Colour to Heal

The healing properties of colour were used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks up to 4,000 years ago. Today, colour therapy techniques promote health and wellness in many complementary therapies and at ho